Life Tidbits #3 – Inlaws & Outlaws – Fifty Plus Going On Fifteen

This segment of Life Tidbits will cover the many aunts and uncles that I grew up with and some that were no longer with us. The term inlaw or outlaw was used to describe if you were currently in with my grandparents or out.

My dad’s side of the family is easy to cover since he had a brother and a sister.  They were all born and lived in the Wimbledon area in southeastern North Dakota on a farm.

Dad’s older sisters name is Connie, and she moved to Florida in the early 1960s with her husband Frank, and they had three (3), kids named Keith, Patty, and Penny. We would see them every few years when we visited Florida or when they came to North Dakota. We always looked forward to seeing them and had fun. I have been fortunate enough to see them every few years when I am in Florida, and Frank recently passed away.

Dad’s younger brothers name is Layne, and he moved to Florida with Grandpa Morris and Grandma Evelyn when they sold the farm. Layne married in Florida, and we only hooked up a couple of times over the years. We did have some fun fishing in the Florida channel waters in the mid-1990s when we visited him.

My mom’s side of the family is much more interesting since she has numerous brothers and sisters. I will try to cover them in order but may get the order wrong. They were all born lived around Jamestown in southeastern North Dakota on some farms.

The oldest child in Mom’s family was my aunt Evelyn who lived in California and had three (3) children. We were lucky enough to see her every few years when she would come home, and I enjoyed when she and Anne stayed at the house. Evelyn passed away a few years ago.

The next oldest child was Louie who lived in California, and I enjoyed seeing him in both North Dakota and in California. Louie reminded me a lot of Grandpa Max and passed away in the late 1980s.

The third oldest child was Uncle Bob who was married to Bernice, and they had two (2) children. We spent much time with Uncle Bob, Aunt Bernice and my cousins Tim and Robyn when they lived in Jamestown and also visited them when they were in St. Cloud Minnesota and Glendive Montana. There are many memories I will share in later chapters. I miss Uncle Bob who passed away a few years ago, and he was one of my childhood heroes being a firefighter and all.

Mom was the fourth oldest child, and after mom, the order may get a bit screwed up, but it will be close. My mom passed away last year, and I miss her very much.

Ralphie came next in order, and I know the least about him since he was placed in a home in Grafton North Dakota where he died of pneumonia as a teenager. Mom was never able to obtain more information about Ralphie, and this was always a sore subject with the family when brought up.

Uncle Leo followed next, and he is married to Sharen, and they moved to California in the late 1960s. Leo and Sharen have two children Dee Ann and Ryan who I spent much time with them in California over the years, and they will always be unique to my family and me. I will cover more in later chapters.

Uncle Jerry lived in Jamestown North Dakota and had some children I was close to including Heidi, Jason, and Travis.  Uncle Jerry was a Police Officer like my dad and over his career saved many people in life-threatening situations. Jerry is married to Joan who was a great Aunt who is also in the FBI.

Uncle Don is married to Aunt Darla, and they moved to Fargo North Dakota and had two children Troy and Delisa. Uncle Don was a deputy in Fargo and later sheriff for more than 20 years until he retired from law enforcement.  Troy and I had some great memories at the farm.

Aunt Mary is married to Uncle John, and they had three children Brock, Clay, and Brandy. Aunt Mary was always there for us during our life, and Uncle John would take me fishing. Aunt Mary was a fighter, and after years of fighting cancer she passed away. I miss Aunt Mary. Uncle John is a Vietnam vet.

Aunt Linda is married to Uncle Mike who is a Navy Vet from Vietnam. They had four children, Mike, Shawn, Amy, and Wendy. I would spend much time with Aunt Linda and Uncle Mike as a child after they bought the farm. Aunt Linda and Uncle Mike were there for mom after her stroke, and I appreciate them very much.

Aunt Leona lived in Jamestown and adopted children that I was close to as a kid including Tracy, Roxanne, Debbie and Tony Jo. Later, she had her children, and she has always been there for us, and she is loved. All of Aunt Leona’s spouses have passed away.

Uncle Ken resided in Jamestown, and I would babysit his son Duane when he was young. I have memory memories of Uncle Ken that will be with me forever since he spent much time with us on the farm and in Jamestown.

Aunt Diane married Uncle Mark, and they lived in the Windsor area on a farm they owned. They had three children including Dawn, Tish, and Beau. Many of my earliest memories are with Aunt Diane, and she was always there for my mom, and I love her dearly. Uncle Mark passed away before his time, and I miss him.

I indicated I had numerous Aunts and Uncles and throughout life, we were all inlaws or outlaws depending on if we were on the right or wrong side of the grandparents. Between both families, I have more than fifty first cousins and on a good day, I can name 99% of them.

How large was your family? Can you name all of your aunts, uncles, and first cousins?

I love being fifty plus going on fifteen and appreciate waking up every day.

Thanks for stopping by,


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