My Internet Provider Blows – Fifty Plus Going On Fifteen

I moved from cable to AT&T Uverse. A made the shift a few years ago due to the poor quality of cable and AT&T Uverse was great initially.  Over the past 12 months, the service has gone from okay to poor and last night we lost Uverse, and all I can get from AT&T is that it is broke.

So I sit here now unable to complete any work since I have data limitations wondering if I will be able to work from home tomorrow but I am catching up on overdue blogging. There is a silver lining in every cloud right.

So whats up today since we are disconnected from cable TV also?

First off, my daughter gets married in less than a month so my bride of 30 plus years and daughter are making mints today which is a good thing right since I do not need to make mints. We are looking forward to the pending nuptials, and we are fond of her partner.

I am busy making dog food for my elderly Jack Russell named Scrappy who went on a 30 plus day hunger strike after losing his lifelong partner who was 14 years old. I now make healthy meats for him in the pressure cooker and air fryer, and at about 45 days he started nibbling on wet dog food but will not touch dry food. The funny thing is, with the change of diet, his bloodwork comes in much better than before. Go figure.

Since my bride is out making mints, I am finishing the laundry, and of course, I do it wrong, but she can adjust as needed.  I fold one way, and she another way. I do hang up clothes before the wrinkle though. I hate wrinkly clothing.

It has been a dry summer, so I had not mowed for a few weeks to prevent damage to the lawn. Today, I mowed the back, but it started raining so I will complete the front later this week.  The dogs had a toy cemetery in the backyard, remnants of toys destroyed in battle strewn everywhere.

My son is sorting things out and being in his early twenties is trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to do. He comes by this naturally since I am in my mid-fifties and doing the same. He has worked hard on getting in shape through kickboxing and other activities and has lost nearly 25% of his body weight which is pretty impressive.

As you can see in earlier posts, my bride of thirty plus years is keeping busy with paracording, jewelry, and the wedding. Last week, she sold an old Dodge Dakota we had since I was out of town and negotiated our goal sales price, so I say a great job to her.

Today I woke up to the light switch not working in the bedroom so of course, I blamed the Amish who wired our house when it built nearly 20 years ago when the neighborhood developed. We have run into some funky wiring issues over the years so do not have Amish wire your house. I did fix the problem and found nothing funky this time.

So it looks like tonight we will be watching DVDs since AT&T has not fixed our issue. I hope the DVD player works since it has been a while since I used it. We have been considering moving to Verizon unlimited on our phones and may do that if we can tether. We have limited options otherwise.

My bride of thirty plus years is still at my daughter’s house making wedding mints, the doggy jerky is done and cooling off on the counter, the laundry is folded and hung, the lawn is half mowed, and I have defrosted the burgers for dinner so will close for now.

My internet with AT&T is still not working, but my Verizon hotspot works so I can at least blog and do a little surfing.

Who do you use for the internet and if you use AT&T what is your opinion on service?

It’s excellent being fifty plus going on fifteen. It would be better yet if I were connected.

Have a great one, Jay

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