5 Reasons Why NHL Hockey Is Better Than NFL Football – Fifty Plus Going On Fifteen

2017 has been a transitional year for me considering Having been an ardent NFL Football fan since I was six (6) years old. Having lived through four (4) Minnesota Viking Superbowl losses and other football heartbreaks during my short life.

During my fifty plus going on fifteen, Having experienced football strikes, witnessed trades that sold a team out for years, and Having cried during drafts because we could have had a star but selected a nobody. Having asked on many occasions what is going on without receiving a real answer to my question.

In 2016, I took it on the chin when there was unrest in the NFL and curbed how many games I watched to a minimum. I 2017, the unrest became a revolt and Having not watched an NFL game this year and have no intention to start. Having discussed in other blogs, I am not going to discuss this issue anymore because it does not matter.

Being a true believer in “When One Door Closes, Another Door Will Open”, validates my transition from the NFL to the NHL. For years, my bride who is a lifelong hockey fan, tried to get me to watch hockey on a consistent basis. I did watch hockey during the playoffs and occasionally during the regular season but my choice was football.
So, this brings me to 5 Reasons NHL Hockey Is Better Than NFL Football:

  1. NHL Hockey has regular season games almost every day of the week starting early fall and finishing early spring.
    1. NFL Football has sixteen (16) regular season games a year normally on Thursday, Sunday and Monday.
  2. NHL Hockey allows players to settle differences on the ice although players are penalized.
    1. NFL Football does not allow players to settle differences on the field to the same level that the NHL does.
  3. NHL Hockey players stand for both the United States and Canadian national anthem.
    1. NFL Football players do what they want. This is a different topic of discussion.
  4. NHL Hockey allows fan participation in the game, hats, squids, octopus, catfish, etc.
    1. NFL Football frowns on similar participation.
  5. NHL Hockey fans are nearly on the ice, banging on the glass, get hit by pucks.
    1. NFL Football fans are normally segregated from the game and often in the nose bleed section.

I could go on about why NHL Hockey is better than NFL Football but believe Having addressed effectively. I was upset about the situation with NFL Football but now it is a small simmer and NFL Football has joined MLB Baseball after the 1994 strike.

Having adjusted to my new reality and we have purchased NHL Center Ice which made my bride of thirty (30) years happy. During the first two (2) weeks of the NHL Hockey season, Having learned much about the game since we watch from 6 until 12 each night. I anticipate watching over 1,000 hours of NHL Hockey this season and it is great watching the skill of these athletes.

You can teach an old dog new tricks and being fifty plus going on fifteen I am happy about this. Perhaps, in time I will return to NFL Football but I will never have the passion I once had for the game. I hope it does not take me as long to return to football as MLB Baseball since I went from 1994 to 2017 without going to a game.

One last item of interest. If a lifelong fan of NFL Football like me is willing to say screw it, how many more are out there with the same attitude?

In closing, thanks for reading this article and it is great being fifty plus going on fifteen (50 plus going on 15).

Wishing you health, safety, and success. Please feel free to provide comments.

Jay Patterson